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团队与小组管理(英文版)(ppt 91页)

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团队与小组管理(英文版)(ppt 91页)内容简介
Group - two or more people with common interests or objectives
Team - a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common mission, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
Group Behavior
Norms of behavior - the standards that a work group uses to evaluate the behavior of its members
Group cohesion - the “interpersonal glue” that makes members of a group stick together
Social loafing - the failure of a group member to contribute personal time, effort, thoughts, or other resources to the group
Loss of individuality -  a social process in which individual group members lose self-awareness & its accompanying sense of accountability, inhibition, and responsibility for individual behavior
Stages of Group Formation
Mutual acceptance
Focus is on the interpersonal relations among the members
Decision making
Focus is on decision making activities related to tasks
Motivation & commitment
Focus on self- and group-motivation, execution, achievement
Control & sanctions
Focus on effective, efficient unit