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顾客满意度指数测评体系报告(ppt 28页)(英文版)

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顾客满意度指数测评体系报告(ppt 28页)(英文版)内容简介
“An economy cannot be described by adding up how many tons of rebar it makes, how many passenger miles of air travel it logs, how much wood its woodchucks chuck per hour. All these things count (and we count them), but in the final analysis what matters is how well an economy satisfies its customers …”
(Thomas Stewart, Fortune, 1995)
Satisfied customers are an economic asset that yields future cash flows
These cash flows can be calculated as discounted present value
Costs to grow the customer asset base are investments
Skillful management of the customer asset is essential for long-term profitability
Quality of economic output is essential to living standards
Customer satisfaction is a leading indicator of company economic performance
Customer satisfaction contributes to economic growth and job creation 
Necessary measure for CPI, productivity, and ultimately, GDP
