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课长培训教程(ppt 91页)

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课长培训教程(ppt 91页)内容简介

Training Objectives培训目标:
1. To learn more about Carrefour’s mission and Sales Manager responsibilities. 更多地了解家乐福的使命和课长的职责
2. To Learn how to better communicate with the team 学习如何更好地与我的团队沟通.
3. To learn how to better develop my team 学习如何更好地发展团队
4. To learn how to plan my work and manage my time 学习如何计划我的工作和管理我的时间


Main Responsibilities of a Sales Manager课长的主要职责:
Assets 资产
1. Store clean and full. 保持卖场整洁,商品充足
2. Good implantation respecting the price range.根据不同价格档位,良好展示商品,
3. Check the cleanliness of the uniform of the staff.检查员工是否着装整洁
4. Storage well arranged. 保持库存井井有条
5. Listen to customers and react positively. 倾听顾客意见,作出积极反应
6. Have a sales spirit. 展现生意人的精神
7. 某公司 with volume. 保持充足的商品展示
8. Respect and make respecting the safety rules of fire fighting and hygiene 9. regulations. 遵守火灾和卫生等安全规章制度
10. Follow competitor‘s price level. 关注竞争对手的价格水准
11. Propose equipment investment. 提议购置新设备
12. Full respect of the regulation and law of China & Carrefour's store procedures.完全遵守中国的法规和家乐福店的制度
13. Have a store spirit. 展现家乐福店的精神

