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Profit Pools and Core Competence(英文版)(ppt 34页)

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Profit Pools and Core Competence(英文版)(ppt 34页)内容简介

Profit Pools and Core Competence(英文版)内容提要:
Turbulent industries:
Profit pools are especially important and useful in industries undergoing deregulation and/or technological change
Such changes can open new profit pool opportunities and drain old ones
Choke points may change or be eliminated
Opportunities for either forward or vertical integration may emerge
Current vertical integration may be disintermediated

Creating and managing a profit pool:
Profit pool analysis may indicate new opportunities or threats
Be open to a new perspective on your business and industry
Developing new strategy may require overturning elements of the current strategy
Be open to reevaluate the role played by current competitors
Be vigilant to identify possibility that new entrants may seek to enter your industry with radical strategies

How Strategy Happens:
Learning where value is created
Waterfall charts by product and customer segments
Evaluating strategy
Industry average profit per unit
Company’s profit vs industry average
Managing value
Current strategy
Change product focus
Change customer focus
