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连接缓冲管理和行程安排forDifferentiated服务(PDF 15页)

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连接缓冲管理和行程安排forDifferentiated服务(PDF 15页)内容简介
Abstract. A novel algorithm for buffer management and packet scheduling is
presented for providing loss and delay differentiation for traffic classes at a network
router. The algorithm, called JoBS (Joint Buffer Management and Scheduling),
provides delay and loss differentiation independently at each node, without
assuming admission control or policing. The novel capabilities of the proposed
algorithm are that (1) scheduling and buffer management decisions are performed
in a single step, and (2) both relative and (whenever possible) absolute QoS requirements
of classes are supported. Numerical simulation examples, including
results for a heuristic approximation, are presented to illustrate the effectiveness
of the approach and to compare the new algorithm to existing methods for loss
and delay differentiation.