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销售攻心术–如何揣摩客户的心态提高业绩(PPT 79页)

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销售攻心术–如何揣摩客户的心态提高业绩(PPT 79页)内容简介

Psyche Selling – How to Get Into the Minds of Customers and Make The Sale销售攻心术 – 如何揣摩客户的心态,提高业绩
Imagine for a Moment that Anything is Negotiable, Except for Price想象一下如果什么条件都好商量,就是价格不能降
Elements of Psyche-Selling 销售攻心术的主要精髓
Understanding the Customer’s Mindset 了解客户的心态
The Eternal Conflict Between the Salesperson and the Customer 销售员与客户之间的永恒矛盾
How does Your Customer Perceive You?  你的客户对你抱持什么态度?
What do Your Customers Value? 你的客户会珍惜什么价值呢?
How can a Sales Person be of Value to Customers?
How to Educate Your Customers?如何引导客户
Real Reason to Believe 能说服人的可信度
Sales Psychology
Sales Psychology 销售心态
The Most Important Characteristic of a Sales Professional专业销售人员最为重要的特征
Why Plan?  为什么要作计划?
Planning Your Sales Strategy 如何策划你的销售战略?
Prospecting for the Right Customer
Prospecting for the Right Customer 寻觅正确的客户
Ideal Customer Profile 理想客户特征
Who influences the thoughts and actions of your target prospects?   谁能够影响你的目标客户的思想与决策?
What to Say on first Contact?怎样作首次接触沟通
Valid Business Reason 合适商务理由
How to Get to the Right Person如何找到相关人士
Why do You Need to Uncover the Needs and “Pains” of Customers BEFORE Presenting Anything为什么你必须在介绍任何事项之前先挖掘客户的需求与“痛处”?
Reasons to Ask Questions 为何提问
Uncovering the Needs and “Pains” of Customers 挖掘客户的需求与“痛处”
Current-Future States 当下与预期的状况
Highlighting and Intensifying “Pain” Areas 挖掘客户的 “痛楚”
Expected Paybacks/ ROI  预期的回报
Associated Risks and Obstacles 相关的风险与障碍
Provide Assurance 安抚他们的忧虑
Before Presenting… 在提出方案之前…
Presenting Your Solution 提出你的方案
Example: Presenting Your Solution  举例:提出你的方案
Why do you need to contact more than one person in the customer’s organisation?
How many people do you need to deal with to close the sale?当销售接近尾声时,你需要接触多少人?
Why so many people are involved in the buying process?为什么会有那么多人牵涉到购买过程当中?
Finding Out the Decision Making Structures 了解客户的决策过程以及幕后势力
Finding Out the Decision Making Structures了解客户的决策过程以及幕后势力
The Influencers of Complex Sales 复杂销售情况的影响者
The Motivations Behind Each Player 每个角色的购买动机
Understanding the Complex Buying Process 了解客户的复杂采购过程
Buying Motives (Official) 购买动机(在公)
Buying Motives (Personal)   购买动机(个人)
Buying Motives (CEO) 购买动机(总裁)
Exercise: Mapping Out Each Influencer 练习:理出每个影响者
Getting Help from Your Customers 让客户来帮你的忙
Effective Follow Through and Closing  如何跟进以及签单
Referrals 推荐
Why Negotiate? 为什么要协商?
BATNA 是你的……
Preparing to Negotiate 
Objections Handling 处理反对意见
Empathise 体恤对方
Areas to Clarify On 需要澄清的方面
Agreement to an Action 解决反对意见
Action Planning行动计划
Formulating your Action Plan拟定你的行动计划

