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LRBG在日本市场的研究报告(pdf 40页)

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LRBG在日本市场的研究报告(pdf 40页)内容简介
Japan is regarded as a very challenging market. At the same time, the countryhas been experiencing an economic crisis for more than a decade. Thishas frightened many companies off from investing in Japan directly. Thebelief that “you can’t make money in Japan” is widely held.
But is this scepticism of Japan really justified, and ifso, in what respect? Thisstudy was carried out primarily toprovide substantive answers to thesequestions and in particular to establish the reality of the profit situation ofGerman companies in Japan.
The study was jointly carried out in the first half of 2003 by the GermanChamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (DIHKJ) and Roland BergerStrategy Consultants of Tokyo. The 510 German companies known by theDIHKJ to be operating in Japan were sent a questionnaire. Ninety-sevenmeasurable questionnaires were returned, giving a representativereturn rateof 19%.
Interviews were held with ten companies in order to discuss in more detailthe qualitative responses on the reasons for their profitability. Because theanalysis was largely based on confidential data, no information on thenames of the participating companies can be given. Nor can anyindividual
details from the interviews be specifically attributed to any company.
The study clearly establishes that the majority of German companies inJapan are profitable: 94% of the companies surveyed have a positive grossprofit margin and 76% of the companies achieve a positive pre-tax profit.This study shows why, in their own view, German companies are profitableand analyses possible reservations which might currently be cited against acommitment to Japan. The result is encouraging: the Japanese market is verydemanding, but for those who dare to meet the challenge a lucrative market