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宝马整合营销渠道案例(英)(ppt 51页)

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宝马整合营销渠道案例(英)(ppt 51页)内容简介

一、1950 - 2000 Brands built by mass advertising
二、1985 - 2000 Database Marketing arrived, but not integrated with mass advertising.
三、1996 - 2000 The Internet arrived, but not integrated with DBM or mass advertising
四、2001 BMW brings them all together



    BMW now has a central system of measurement
The BMW Report Center monitors communications and response from prospects and customers
Measurement includes cost per response and cost per sale
    BMW now has the ability to view prospects as well customers in its universe
This allows BMW to view the full shopper-owner cycle from first point of contact, through sale and cross sale
    The new marketing database contains a broad range of information on the BMW consumer
Campaign, response, and financial service data
190 appended individual and household data points
   Allowing a full view of the BMW customer delivers smarter targeting and profit-generating up sell and cross sell opportunitiesWhich vehicle owners are best targets for credit cards?
How can BMW card owners increase the lifetime value of the vehicle owners?
Where are the pockets of our most profitable customers?Which customers will deliver additional revenue through financial services products after they have disposed of their BMW?

