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Job Grades & Salary Ranges
Compa-ratios (CR)
 a compa-ratio (comparative ratio) is a measure of the extent which the average salaries in a grade deviate from the target salary.
 it is used to compare actual averages with the target salary to indicate the extent which salary levels are high or low.
 the formula for calculating a compa-ratio is:
  Average of all salaries in the grade
                        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    x 100
      Midpoint of the salary range
a compa-ratio of 100 indicates that the average salary is aligned to the midpoint of the salary grade and no corrective steps need to be taken.
Compa-ratios (CR)
a compa-ratio of 80 would indicate a need to investigate why average salaries were low and possibly no longer competitive.
 a compa-ratio of 120 would suggest either there were a lot of long-service staff or that staff were being overpaid, and that increases needed to be modified.
 compa-ratio analysis can reveal a situation where earnings drift has taken place.
