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企业导师的素质要求介绍(英文版)(doc 30页)

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企业导师的素质要求介绍(英文版)(doc 30页)内容简介
You will recall, the statements below were generated by you, sorting sets of three cards at a time from a pool of nine people you know well enough to contrast mentoring competence with reference to the following sentence:
In terms of what it takes to be a skilled Mentor, what specifically makes two
similar, and different to the other one?
I hope it helps that I have sorted the statements into my interpretation of what is helpful and what is not.
I have been careful not to put a ‘spin’ on the raw data you produced, and I’ve only adjusted your words to read as singular descriptors - so for instance, ‘they always find time’ becomes ‘always finds time’.
Every decipherable statement has been noted, I have only excluded exact repeats.
If you want a set of your own in electronic format I will happy to E.mail them on - you only have to ask.
Well done folks, considering the repertory grid was unfamiliar as a tool, this is a most impressive list, generated in 35 minutes!
Anyway, here they come.
Helpful statements
  1.  Listens to the whole issue before commenting.
  2.  Very direct in approach.
  3.  Sympathetic but fair.
  4.  Professional attitude - direct.
  5.  Gives advice but expects one to make own decision - whether in line or not.
  6.  Patience.
  7.  Does not seek to blame - stays neutral.
  8.  Finds time to help.
  9.  Questions to find the main problem.
10.  Gives controversial views.
 11.  Will give honest answers.
12.  Takes a light hearted view. 
13.  Would give good advice.
14.  Gives honest answers.
15.  Gives a view to suit the situation.
16.  Tries to help in any situation.
