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企业的契约性质(pdf 12页)(英文)

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企业的契约性质(pdf 12页)(英文)内容简介
A half a has sir! R. I. ture of the Firm.“’ The impact this is now At about twenty years of and before receiving a bachelor’s from London School of Economics, conceived the thesis of that work during a traveling scholarship the United States in Consider-For their helpful comments 1 am grateful to A. Alchian, Yoram Barrel.John McGee, and Dean Worcester.Ronald H. The Nature of the Firm. 4 Economica 386 (1937). The paper. ever, was written several years earlier (see note 3 The Sciences provides the following information. Breaking down
the period of 1966-80 into three five-year periods, the of “firm” paper for each subperiod are: 17 citations; 47 citations: and citations.In personal correspondence wrote me his as follows:About the firm. I spent the year 1931-1932 in the United States where studied the problem of vertical and lateral integration in American industry. From ponder-ing on these problems came my views on the nature of the The basic idea in the article on the Nature of the Firm was certainly worked out by October, 1932 as a letter which I wrote (and which has been preserved) shows. Also 1 completed a draft of the article by the Spring of 1934 while still in As to why I waited until 1937 to publish. the reasons are various. 1 did not feel under any great pressure to publish it. I did in fact publish some other pieces before firm article but the in these papers in fact developed after those on the firm. Remember that I was a young lecturer having to learn a lot in order to teach courses on subjects on which knew very little and this took up a good deal of time. And was interested in many other aspects of I have never been to rush into print-indeed I find it difficult to express what have in mind and have never thought that the world would suffer much if it didn’t have opportunity to read my views. I did in fact make some changes in the period between and but was no change in my main position. I did not feel need to publish before had expressed my thoughts as well as I could. Some of the projects on worked in the 1930s have still not been completed although I hope one day to do so. About dates. As completed the first year of University work while still at high school (not unusual at that time), I completed my University work and passed the degree examinations in 193 (after 2 years at I was awarded a by the University of London in 1931 and spent the next year in the United States. At that time. 3 years residence was required for the award of a degree but the regulations were interpreted so as to allow my year in the United States to be counted as a of residence