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日化行业HKPC的绩效考核概述(ppt 51页)

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日化行业HKPC的绩效考核概述(ppt 51页)内容简介

一、Why is PM Important to Business Performance?
二、What is PM?
三、The PM Cycle
四、Effective PM System
五、Identification of Individual Performance Measures
六、What is Balanced Scorecard?
七、Barriers in Strategic Management of Organizational Performance
八、How does a Balanced Scorecard Translate Company Strategy into Action?
九、Framework of a Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement System
十、Action Required for Implementation of an Effective PM


Why is Performance Management (工作表现管理制度) Important to Business Performance?
Benefits to Individuals
Better understanding on performance standards
Better development opportunities
Motivated as it is a fairer system to measure employees’ performance
Improved relationship with supervisors
Improved individual performance

Performance Management - Current Trends(当前趋势)
Performance management as a core process
New approaches:
self-appraisal 自我评核
peer appraisal  同级同事评核
upward appraisal  下属对上司的评核
360 degree appraisal  360 度评核
Greater employee involvement / participation
From measuring outputs      measuring outputs + inputs
Greater line-management ownership
Formal, once-a-year feedback      more informal, on-going communication

Designing the Appraisal Form 设计评核表格
What to include 应包括甚么 ?
Work outcomes or objectives 工作成果 (目标)
Performance factors 表现要素
Jobholder personal data 员工个人资料
Major achievement 主要成就
Development needs and plans 培训需要及计划
Approvals 审批机制
Employee comments 员工意见
Promote ability
Rating scheme 表现评级标准
How many levels 多少级别?
What will we call each level 级别名称?
