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Haygroup的绩效管理流程手册(英文版)(pdf 67页)

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Haygroup的绩效管理流程手册(英文版)(pdf 67页)内容简介

1、Performance Management Process Overview Page
Introduction to the Performance Management Process  1
Why Change?    . . 2
Definition of Terms   .
State Laws on Performance Management  . .
Features of the PMP   6
Role of Supervisors, Employees and Reviewers in the PMP  . . 7
Time Guidelines for the PMP   . 10
Summary of the PMP Form   . . 11
Layout of the Remainder of the Handbook  . 12
2、Phase I: Planning    . 13
Introduction to the Planning Phase   15
Accountabilities    . 16
Creating Performance Standards   . . 18
Designating the Importance of Accountabilities  . 20
Example of an Accountability on the PMP Form  20
Explaining Behaviors   21
Examples of Behaviors   . . 23
Completing the Planning Phase   . 28
3、Phase II: Coaching    . . 29
Ongoing Feedback   . . 31
Collecting Performance Information   . . 32
Preparing for Coaching Sessions   . . 33
During a Coaching Session 
Coaching vs. Progressive Discipline   . .
4、Phase III: Review    37
Review    . 39
Preparing for Review Sessions   . 40
Rating Errors and Biases   . 41
Rating the Accountabilities 
Borderline Cases: How to Decide? 
Overall Accountability Rating   . 45
Rating the Behaviors   . 46
Overall Performance Rating   47
Summary/Development Plan   . . 49
Preparing for the Year-End Discussion   50
During the Year-End Review   . . 51
Writing the Development Plan   . 53
One PMP Cycle Ends, Another Begins   55
5、Appendix    57


Introduction to the Performance Management Process
This handbook is an introduction to the Performance Management Process (PMP), providing
information to State of Oklahoma employees, supervisors and others who have an interest in
performance management. While supervisors may use this handbook as a reference guide to the
PMP, this document is not intended to stand alone; all supervisors will receive training and
additional reference material on the new performance management system.
The PMP is designed to be a year-round partnership between employees and supervisors in the
planning, coaching and reviewing of job performance. Unlike previous statewide systems for
performance appraisal, the PMP takes into consideration not just employees’ Accountabilities, but
also a set of five Behaviors that influence their performance: Customer Service Orientation,
Teamwork, Problem-Solving Initiative, Leadership and Observing Work Hours/Using Leave. For
many state workers, these Behaviors may seem familiar, as they were chosen to reflect
performance factors that various agencies have included in their own evaluation systems for years.
