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培训师资料(ppt 72页)(英文版)

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培训师资料(ppt 72页)(英文版)内容简介

Vocal Skills : Enthusiasm
Passion & Enthusiasm!
—If you’re not passionate, why should we care?
Example: Martin Luther King
—I have a dream. That one day This nation will rise up Live up to the true meaning to its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident That all men are created equal.

Visual Skills – Eyes
1. Look forward at audience (trust)
—Don’t shift eyeballs; don’t look in corner.
—Don’t look too much at computer screen or your notes.
2. Look at people’s faces (not eyes)
3-6 seconds per person.
—Shift randomly.
—Nod, smile, use facial expression.

Visual Skills – Hands
1. Gesture complements talk.
—Should come naturally, without thinking.
—Make sure they match!
2. Need to exaggerate a little
—Especially with large audience.
3. Don’t fidget or put in pocket.
4. Videotape whole talk & watch.



