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三星集团标杆企业分析(英文版)(ppt 43页)

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三星集团标杆企业分析(英文版)(ppt 43页)内容简介
Corporate mission
“We, the Toshiba Group companies, based on our total commitment to people and to the future, are determined to help create a higher quality of life for all people, and to do our part to help ensure that progress continues within the world community"
Corporate vision
“To grow with excellence as the leading-edge, internet-ready enterprise globally by accelerating innovation with agility, and to create a 21st century of success hand in hand with our customers"
Accelerate the speed of innovation
Management Innovation (MI2001) is a major initiative being promoted throughout Toshiba Group. It is aimed at advancing creative destruction and competitive superiority
Champion market-centric management
Customer Relationship Management and Supply Chain Management systems will be deployed to cover company-wide operations.
Be internet-ready
Digital Manufacturing, a new system, will be introduced throughout the Toshiba Group
An IT infrastructure for collaborative engineering will be established