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武汉大学战略管理培训(英文版)(ppt 144页)

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武汉大学战略管理培训(英文版)(ppt 144页)内容简介
Kenneth R.Andrews’ Definition
The Concept of Corporate Strategy, 1971
Strategy is target, intent, purpose, and the model of which a firm formulates main policies and plan in order to achieving the target. The model defines the business scope which the firm is doing, and should do. The model also defines the business type which the firm is in, and should be in.
H.Igor.Ansoff’ Definition
Corporate Strategy, 1965
The strategy is a common business line throughout the firm’s business, products and market. It defines the basic nature of the business that a firm is doing, and plans to do.
Four Elements of Strategy
Market and Products
Growth Vector
Competitive Advantage
Synergy:Total outcome are more than sum of all parts.
Type of Synergy
Sales Synergy: from share brand,channel
Operating Synergy
Investment Synergy
Management Synergy
Definition of Strategy
A strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage.