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平衡记分卡经典文档PHILIP(ppt 77页)(英文)

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平衡记分卡经典文档PHILIP(ppt 77页)(英文)内容简介
Prepares and distributes the meeting agenda 2-3 days in advance of the meeting.  This ensures participants come to the meeting prepared. Note: Members should submit documentation to be discussed in the next meeting to the Scribe for attachment to the meeting agenda.
 Prepares and distributes the meeting minutes and W3s within one working day following the meeting date.  The Minutes are to include Attendance, Summary of the topics discussed, Significant decisions made, Next meeting date, time and venue, Old W3s with status and New W3s
 Requests feedback on minutes from team to ensure that they reflect the consensus of the team
 Maintains the old and new W3s listing so that W3’s (what, who, and when) are always current
 Highlights W3 completions and short falls to team for further action
 Maintains accurate and updated CFT/BRT Charters
 Publicizes teams successes
 Serves as team timekeeper if none assigned
