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TPM METHOD(ppt 38页)(英文)

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TPM METHOD(ppt 38页)(英文)内容简介
Visual mark for Min and Max levels
Mark to locate the stop position of a mobile part of a machine
Red mark for pressure manometer
Important screws with nut tightening are repaired with visual mark (see 2 on page 49)
Grease locations are highlighted with arrows, numbered and coloured
Part list is labelled on containers (oil tank, pump for greasing operations...)
The current maintenance plans are established from recommendations from the machine manufacturer and do not take into account any specific use and realities observed in the field Determination of the mission and of responsibilities
Determination of customers and of their requirements
Determination of suppliers and of their requests
Validation of requests with the customers
Validation of requests with the suppliers
Evaluation and redistribution of means to satisfy the new requests - action plans
Implementation and follow-up of indicators
