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教你如何通过培训提升人力资源的投入产出比(pdf 31页)

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教你如何通过培训提升人力资源的投入产出比(pdf 31页)内容简介

An Australian-based banking institute is experiencing high turnover of staff recently sincethe new operations of the customer service centre. The turnover rate has reached thehistorical highest of 40%. Besides high turnover, the absenteeism rate is extraordinaryhigh as compared to other departments.
Management is very worried about this situation and urges the HR Department to revealthe underlying reasons. The HR Department has invited a number of customer servicecentre staff for focus group meetings. They discovered that staff find the customermanagement system (CMS) difficult to operate and has no clear instructions. They alwaysfeel frustration to complete simple tasks by keeping the customer wait for a long time.
They also feel no accomplishment on their job.From the focus group discussion, HR Department realizes thatthe staff lack proper training on operating the system. Not thatthe system is complicated, but the staff are just not familiar with
the system interface.
Consequently, the HR Department has proposed a number of
solutions to the management:
1. Technical Training on CMS Operation
2. High Performer Campaign
3. Simplification of the CMS Functions
