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企业知识培训课程(英文版)(ppt 40页)

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企业知识培训课程(英文版)(ppt 40页)内容简介

Learning Objectives (cont.)
1.Define organizational structure and organizational design.
2. Explain why structure and design are important to an organization.
3. Describe the six key elements of organizational structure.
4. Differentiate mechanistic and organic organizational design.
5. Identify the four contingency factors that influence organizational design.
6. Describe a simple structure, a functional structure, and a divisional structure.
7. Explain team-based structures and why organizations are using them.
8. Describe matrix structures, project structures, autonomous internal units, and boundaryless organizations.
9. Explain the concept of a learning organization and how it influences organizational design.
A)  Defining Organizational Structure
     a) Work Specialization
     b) Departmentalization
     c) Chain of Command
     d) Span of Control
     e) Centralization and Decentralization
     f) Formalization
B)  Organizational Design Decisions
      a) Mechanistic and Organic organizations
      b) Contingency Factors
             Strategy and Structure
             Size and Structure
             Technology and Structure
             Environmental Uncertainty and Structure
C)   Common Organizational Designs
        a)  Traditional Organizational Designs
                Simple Structure
                Functional Structure
                Divisional Structure
         b)  Contemporary Organizational Designs
                 Team-Based Structures
                 Project and Matrix Structures
                Autonomous Internal Units
                The Boundaryless Organization
                The Learning Organization

