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中国网通战略咨询报告完整版(英文版)(ppt 52页)

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中国网通战略咨询报告完整版(英文版)(ppt 52页)内容简介
Capture early revenue from launch of prepaid IP calling  cards
“Cash cow” for funding other business model development
Pursue prefix and equal access long distance for business customers as soon as possible to begin establishing relationships
Manage pricing and product life cycle effectively to maximize total margin and avoid investing in declining products
Do not overextend ourselves nor blur our “datacom” image
Fight the regulatory battle to ensure favorable approaches to equal access and interconnect
Market calling cards to business customers in the short term for travelling personnel
Emphasize quality image/brand to distinguish from CT and Unicom--position calling card as first step in becoming a next generation full services provider
Establish mechanisms to link marketing expenditures with revenue and margin growth by product to ensure effective investment
Emphasize low cost targeted marketing and loyalty programs
Do not overextend
Always emphasize advanced technology and evolution to full services provision
