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并购整合咨询框架(英文版)(ppt 60页)

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并购整合咨询框架(英文版)(ppt 60页)内容简介
Our Understanding your Situation:
This section is tailored to the client situation and summarizes the key drivers of the merger.  It should highlight relevant quantitative and qualitative analysis that demonstrate our insight into the client’s  particular challenges and drivers of success for the integration
A.T. Kearney has a flexible merger integration framework with a comprehensive toolkit to support planning and implementation throughout the merger process to ensure value capture
This allows merging entities to rapidly capture available sources of value by focusing on operational synergies, as well as seamlessly merging the organizations
The program structure supports focused value capture teams working across all SBU/Geographic teams
By launching the integration effort prior to change of control, significant progress is made in identifying sources of value, while also developing the high-level organization models to capture that value
During the critical period prior to change of control, the engagement team assumes the role of a “clean team” to enable critical pre-merger integration