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New Problems, New Solutions:
Making Portfolio Management More Effective
There are two ways for a business to succeed at new products: doing projects right, and doing the
right projects. Most new product prescriptions focus on the first route – for example on effective
project management, using cross-functional teams, and building in the voice of the customer.
Portfolio management, the topic of this article, focuses on the second route, namely on doing the
right projects.
In spite of all the hype around the topic of portfolio management, and the myriad portfolio methods
proposed, managers have identified major problems and have raised serious concerns about the
effectiveness of portfolio techniques. This article reports the results of continuing research into
portfolio management practices and results: it highlights some of the problems, and offers some
tentative solutions – solutions that have been witnessed in typical firms as they try to address the
issue of picking the right projects (see box insert).Portfolio Management is Vital, But Flawed
Portfolio management is fundamental to successfulnew product development. Portfolio management is
about resource allocation - how your business spendsits capital and people resources, and which
development projects it invests in. Portfolio management is also about project selection - ensuring
that you have a steady stream of big new product winners! And portfolio management is about strategy:
it is one method by which you operationalize your business’s strategy.