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新六西格玛培训课件中英文(ppt 69页)

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新六西格玛培训课件中英文(ppt 69页)内容简介

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This slide shows by history, Motorola’s commitment to continuous business improvement through use of BBs & GBs. Motorola intends to add over 1,000 BBs & 2,000 GBs. We intend to make middle managers champions and GBs. This has been Motorola’s own learning curve with six 西格玛 and 过程 Improvement methodology.  We were the pioneers of six 西格玛 and continuous improvement methodologies.  And we’ve learned a great deal in our journey…
We invented the methodology in 1986.
We set a goal of six 西格玛 in 1987
Three years later we launched the first Black Belts internally.
Two years later we set the unheard of stretch goal of 10X improvement in defects and cycle time.
In 1998, when our stock price was at 38, we launched a formal corporate renewal initiative and as the vehicle to achieve re-alignment.  The corporate renewal story is very much a story of 过程 redesign and re alignment.  We identified 8 core 过程es and fundamentally redesigned each of them from the outside in, starting with customer requirements.

