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沉静领导英文原版(pdf 212页)

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沉静领导英文原版(pdf 212页)内容简介

O N E Don’t Kid Yourself.........11
TWO Trust Mixed Motives...........33
T H R E E Buy a LITtle Time.......53
F O U R Invest Wisely.............71
F I V E Drill Down................91
S I X Bend the Rules.............111
S E V E N Nudge, Test, and Escalate Gradually....127
E I G H T Craft a Compromise......147
N I N E THRee QuIEt Virtues.......169
Appendix: A Note on Sources.......181
About the Author..................201


EVERY PROFESSION and walk of life has ITs great figures, leaders,
and heroes. Think of the men and women who create or transform
major companIEs, the polITical leaders who reshape society, the
firefighters who risk their lives to save others. We exalt these individuals
as role models and celebrate their achIEvements. They represent,
we feel, the true model of leadership.
But do they really? I ask this because, over the course of a
career spent studying management and leadership, I have observed
that the most effective leaders are rarely public heroes. These men
and women aren’t high-profile champions of causes, and don’t
want to be. They don’t spearhead ethical crusades. They move
patIEntly, carefully, and incrementally. They do what is right—for
their organizations, for the people around them, and for themselves—
inconspicuously and wIThout casualtIEs.
I have come to call these people quIEt leaders because their
modesty and restraint are in large measure responsible for their
impressive achIEvements. And since many big problems can only be
resolved by a long series of small efforts, quIEt leadership, despite ITs
seemingly slow pace, often turns out to be the quickest way to
make an organization—and the world—a better place.
This book is the result of a four-year study of quIEt leadership.
IT presents a series of storIEs describing quIEt leaders at work and
draws practical lessons from their efforts. Underlying these storIEs is
an unorthodox vIEw of leadership. IT builds on the heroic apprOAch,
but offers a much brOAder perspective on what counts as responsible,
effective leadership in organizations.
Albert SchweITzer’s VIEw
But do we really need a brOAder perspective? Don’t the great leaders
teach us what we need to know? These are important questions,
and the answer to them isn’t simple.
StorIEs of heroic effort do teach us indispensable lessons in
courage and dedication. They also show us the highest human
ideals and help parents and teachers pass on important values. And
these are not merely storIEs: WIThout the efforts of great individuals,
our world would be an emptIEr and meaner place. We owe
these men and women our admiration and gratITude.
The problem is that the heroic vIEw of leadership looks at people
in terms of a pyramid. At the top are the great figures. They have
clear, strong values and know right from wrong. They act boldly,
sacrifice themselves for noble causes, set compelling examples for
others, and ultimately change the world. At the bottom of the pyramid
are life’s bystanders, shirkers, and cowards. These are T. S. Eliot’s
“hollow men,” afraid to act and preoccupIEd wITh self-interest.1 They
inspire no one and change nothing.


沉静领导英文原版(pdf 212页)简介结束