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国外著名HR咨询公司HRM培训英文(ppt 132页)

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国外著名HR咨询公司HRM培训英文(ppt 132页)内容简介
Recognition of the need to take a more strategic approach to the management of people
Began in the 1980’s in the USA
UK followed quickly
Concept is… ‘a strategic approach to acquiring, developing, managing and gaining the commitment of the organisations key resource – the people who work for it’
Armstrong 1991
 Management focussed and top management driven
Line management role key
Emphasises strategic fit – integration with business strategy
Commitment oriented
Two perspectives – ‘hard’ and ‘soft’
Involves strong cultures and values
Performance oriented
Requires adoption of a coherent approach to mutually supporting employment policies and practices
Employee relations organic rather than pluralistic
Organising principles are organic and decentralised
Flexibility and team building important policy goals
Strong emphasis on quality to customers
Rewards differentiated by skill, competence or performance
Outer context – socio-economic, technical, politico-legal,competitive
Inner context – culture, structure, politico-leadership, task-technology, business outputs
Business strategy context – objectives, product market, strategy and tactics
HRM context- role, definition, organisation, HR outputs
HRM content – HR flows, work systems, reward systems, employee relations
