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土木工程类英文词汇(doc 18页)

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土木工程类英文词汇(doc 18页)内容简介
acceptable quality 合格质量
acceptance lot 验收批量
aciera 钢材
admixture 外加剂
against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数
aggregate 骨料
air content 含气量
air-dried timber 气干材
allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or column 砌体墙、柱容许高比
allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比
allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member 受压木构件容许长细比
allowable stress range of fatigue 疲劳容许应力幅
allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement 钢筋拉应变限值
allowable value of crack width 裂缝宽度容许值
allowable value of deflection of structural member 构件挠度容许值
allowable value of deflection of timber bending member 受弯木构件挠度容许值
allowable value of deformation of steel member 钢构件变形容许值
allowable value of deformation of structural member 构件变形容许值
allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure 抗震结构层间位移角限值
amplified coefficient of eccentricity 偏心距增大系数
