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合并中的财务(英文版)(ppt 63页)

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合并中的财务(英文版)(ppt 63页)内容简介
Objectives :To Develop an understanding of
1. Principles of financing  Decisions and  appropriate Capital structures
2. Financial implications of a change in size  or circumstances 
3. Principles of risk management 
4. Effective management of Foreign  currency and related treasury transactions
5. Source of Capital and Capital anagement
Most Important Decision:
1. The Investment Decision often viewed as the most important decision.
2. Decision made now affects future returns.
3. Generally can’t reverse decision without significant loss of initial investment.
Lease V Buy Alternative Method (Page 241)
1. Financing  Decision
-Leasing V Outright purchase using after tax cost of borrowings as COC
2. Investment Decision
-Operating CF using WACC and incorporate PV of Best Financing Decision
