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安全隐患汇总(ppt 33页)

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安全隐患汇总(ppt 33页)内容简介
安全隐患范例Examples of Potential Risks
危险废弃物丢普通垃圾桶Dangerous waste drop into ordinary garbage can
防爆车间使用手机Using mobile phone in explosion-proof workshop
使用破损容器盛装化学品 Chemicals used in damaged containers
动火作业无焊工证Hot work without welding certificate
化学品出现在办公区域Chemical exist in office
天花板掉落Ceiling drop
安全装置被隔离失效Isolation of safety devices
插座盖板脱落、线头裸露 Socket cover off, head exposed
施工前未知会EHS,未开立施工申请单Not inform EHS & open construction application before construction
施工后现场未清理Site not cleaned after construction
易燃易爆化学品不使用时未及时放置防爆柜Flammable and explosive chemicals not place in explosive-proof cabinet in time  when they are not in use
易燃易爆化学品使用完成后未盖紧盖子Flammable and explosive chemicals lids opening after using
机器设备等存在跑冒滴漏Leakage of machinery and equipment
电源控制箱下面堆放可燃物品 Combustible items stacked under power control box
窨井盖损坏Manhole cover damaged
防爆柜内放置非易燃易爆化学品Non flammable and explosive chemicals placed in explosion-proof cabinet
防火门损坏Fire door damaged
配电柜在不使用时未及时关闭Power distribution cabinet is not closed when not in use
消防Fire Control
逃生通道被遮挡Escape passage is blocked
消防设施被遮挡Fire facilities blocked
职业卫生Occupational Health
配制挥发性溶液或者粉末时不在通风橱进行 Configurat  volatile solution or powder not in fume hood
未按照要求佩戴劳保防护用品Didn’t wear PPE according to requirement 
化学品使用、存储场所洗眼器损坏Eye bath damaged in chemicals use & storage location
气瓶不使用时未挂牌、无防震圈、安全帽Not listed、have no shock ring&safety hat when the gas cylinders is not using
通往室外的门窗未及时关闭Door & window to the outside not be closed in time
配电间门未及时关闭 Distribution room door is not closed in time
场内车辆行驶速度超过10km/hSpeed over 10km/h
