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MKXZ新员工培训手册(英文版)(ppt 91页)

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MKXZ新员工培训手册(英文版)(ppt 91页)内容简介
This Organization Practice(OP) document provides an overview for use in local training sessions for first-year associates. It is part of a “series on functional areas.” The objective of the series is to introduce McKinsey practitioners to the basics in each of our functional areas of expertise. All the documents in the series are comprehensive in nature and describe the current tools and frameworks in that functional area
At the end of this document, you can find a section describing a selection of the core documents and handbooks that can give you further details on some of the frameworks descried here. All of these documents are now on PDNet; and hard copies of them can be requested from PDNet Express, which will deliver them in 24 hours
The contents of this document have been adapted for local training sessions through “Switching Tracks” — OP’s first-year module videotape, which communicates the basic concepts in a concise and visual way using an actual client — The Scandinavian Railroad Company. It is 40 minutes long and should be presented in 3 short segments. Between these segments, the faculty member runs the attached exercises, adds any commentary he/she considers necessary to clarify the concepts, and provides personal experience on selected topics. A copy of the videotape and moderator’s guide with exercises can be requested from the Firm
McKinsey’s mission is to have lasting and substantial impact on our clients.
To succeed, we need to work all three of the critical elements: choose the best strategy, develop world-class operations, align the organization.
These three elements both reinforce and constrain each other. The best strategy is only relevant if it is operationally and organizationally feasible. The optimal organizational design depends upon the strategic requirement and the operational methods of the client.
This document focuses on one vertex of this triangular relationship. It would be wrong, however, to believe that you can achieve the impact we seek by focusing on one vertex. We need to consider all three in every study.
