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培训师基础知识培训教程(英文版)(ppt 107页)

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培训师基础知识培训教程(英文版)(ppt 107页)内容简介
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At the completion of this course, the trainee will be able to:
Identify and describe a learning process, learning styles, and learner characteristics
Identify and apply appropriate training styles for the training environment
Apply appropriate presentation skills to ensure effective communication and successful training delivery
Develop facilitation skills to monitor trainees’ participation, obtain feedback, and improve performance in the classroom
Identify and apply the techniques provided in managing the classroom
Terminal Objective: Identify and describe a learning process, learning styles, and learner characteristics.
Identify major concepts in the learning process
Describe four main learning styles
List learner characteristics
Terminal Objective: Identify and apply appropriate training styles for the training environment.
Identify four instructional approaches
Describe three instructional styles
List the characteristics of learning
Describe the principles in learning
Identify the levels in learning
