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培训效果评估(ppt 36页)(英文版)

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培训效果评估(ppt 36页)(英文版)内容简介
Four Evaluation Levels :
1. Reaction
How do participants feel about the program?
2. Learning
To what extent did the participants increase knowledge, improve skills, and/or change attitude?
3. Behavior
To what extent did their job behavior change?
4. Results
What final results occurred? (Quantity, quality, safety, sales, costs, profits, ROI)
Level One: Reaction
Tip 1: highlight purpose, solicit cooperation
—To determine the degree that the seminar met your needs, we would like you to give us your honest opinion…
—To make our future sessions as meaningful as possible, we would appreciate your candid evaluation of this program.
—Your comments will be used to improve future offerings of this seminar.
Tip 2: Encourage comments
Tip 3: Set up baseline scores
Tip 4: Combine questionnaires, interviews, focus groups
Tip 5: instant feedback for multi subject courses
