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8D-Methodology培训教程(ppt 18页)

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8D-Methodology培训教程(ppt 18页)内容简介

  the 8D Problem Solving Methodology is  a systematic approach used for solving the real problems,  the method helps to quickly find a full answer to the problem ,
Importance of the 8D report:
   the 8D Report is part of the 8D methodology , after completion of each step.
The report is issued/updated by the team and additional documentation is attached as
 required, the 8D Report is used for monitoring progress and as a checklist, it
ensures that all steps of the 8D process have been completed.the report reflects the current state of the problem solving work and is a living document.
It can help teams and individuals to fix problems more speedily in future.
Tackle the problem as a team:
   Set up a small team, consisting of people who have relevant process and product knowledge, are willing to collaborate and  who have the time, competence and technical expertise to solve the problem and initiate corrective action. The team must have a leader.

