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某电信某年上半年营运报告(ppt 26页)

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某电信某年上半年营运报告(ppt 26页)内容简介

第一章、 财务
第二章、 损益与财务指针
第三章、 财务
第四章、 各项业务营收
第五章、 主要业务营收比例
第六章、 财务
第七章、 成本与费用
第八章、 资本支出
第九章、 持续控制资本支出
第十章、 财务
第十一章、 现金流量
第十二章、 网际网络
第十三章、 持续领导ISP市场
第十四章、 网际网络
第十五章、 宽频接取市场领导者-鼓励客户升速
第十六章、 网际网络
第十七章、 多媒体随选视讯
第十八章、 行动电话
第十九章、 持续领导市场
第二十章、 行动电话
第二十一章、 拥有稳定之客户群
第二十二章、 行动电话
第二十三章、  行动数据与加值服务营收攀高
第二十四章、 固网营收稳定
第二十五章、 固网
第二十六章、 市内电话
第二十七章、 固网
第二十八章、 国内长途
第二十九章、 经营团队之承诺

Chunghwa Telecom – Update on Financial and Operating Results
                                            7:00pm, Wednesday, August 31, 2005
                                                        Conference Call Script
I. Introduction: Chairman Ho Chen
l Good evening everyone, I am Ho Chen Tan.  Thank you for joining us today.  President Lu and I are delighted to be hosting our first half 2005 and second quarter financial and operational results conference call.  I would like to first start out by saying that as of August, 2005, Chunghwa Telecom is now officially a private company. This is an exciting moment for us since privatization is a milestone for Chunghwa Telecom and we expect to benefit by being relieved from many of the regulations of a state-owned enterprise. The share offering was overwhelmingly successful, with 7 times oversubscription, demonstrating investors’ confidence in Chunghwa’s solid performance and future development.  We appreciate your participation in the offering and welcome your comments and advice in assisting us in increasing shareholder value.  We will begin today’s call with a review of our financial results, followed by a brief discussion on our near-term business objectives.  We would be happy to take your questions afterwards. 
l Please note that all of our financial results and discussions today are based on US GAAP.  Our US GAAP financial statements are made available at the same time as our ROC GAAP financials, on a quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis.  These financial statements are now available on our website, which can be accessed at www.cht.com.tw.  Please also note that the Taiwan SFB requires us to make monthly announcement of our revenues, which will be only available in ROC GAAP.
l Now allow me to turn the presentation over to President Lu for a review of our financial results
l II. Financial Results: President Lu
l Thank you Chairman HoChen.  Good evening everyone.  I am delighted to announce our second quarter and first half 2005 results.

Chunghwa Telecom – Update on Financial and Operating Results
                                            7:00pm, Wednesday, August 31, 2005
                                                        Conference Call Script
l Overall
l Overall, our revenues for the second quarter 2005 increased by 3.6% over the first quarter of 2005.  Operating costs and expenses increased by 5.3%, EBITDA increased by 0.2% and net income increased by 6.0% compared to first quarter 2005.
l Looking at the first half of 2005, revenues decreased by 1.3% year-over-year.  Operating costs and expenses increased by 1.5% as compared to last year.  Our EBITDA decreased by 4.1% and our net income decreased by 6.0% year-over-year.
l     Our effective tax rates were 17.6% and 18.6% for the first half of 2004 and 2005, respectively.  The higher effective tax rate for the first half of 2005 was primarily due to a decrease in realized deferred income tax assets as well as investment tax credits.                              
l Revenues
l Total revenues for the second quarter of 2005 were NT$46.2 billion, representing a 3.6% increase over the first quarter.  Of our revenues, approximately 36.5% were from fixed line, 39.5% from wireless and 22.3% from Internet and data. 
l Looking at individual segments, mobile revenue increased by 4.6% over the first quarter. Internet and Data revenues increased by 2.3% in the second quarter. Of these, Internet revenues increased by 3.0%, driven by continued growth in our ADSL business.  In fixed line, local and DLD revenues increased by 1.5% and 2.6% respectively in Q2 due to more business days compared with Q1. ILD revenues increased by 1.5% in the second quarter, mainly due to an increase in ILD traffic and growth in international calling cards and wholesale businesses.  
l For the first half of 2005, total revenues decreased by 1.3% year-over-year to NT$90.7 billion.  Of the individual segments, Internet and Data increased by 2.2% while mobile revenues increased by 2.7%.  Local decreased by 7.3% mainly due to the decrease in dial-up minutes and mobile substitution.  DLD decreased by 8.0% mainly due to mobile substitution. ILD revenue decreased by 5.3% due to the decline in average usage fee resulting from severe competition. However, the increase of the wholesale revenue partially offset the decline of the retail revenue.   Overall, fixed line revenue decreased by 7.0% year-over-year.

