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珠宝行业FrankToney博士讲座(英文)(ppt 61页)

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珠宝行业FrankToney博士讲座(英文)(ppt 61页)内容简介

Introduction to Scheduling & Cost Control Objectives of the Course
Improve career opportunities
Improve organizational performance
Learn estimating that is valid, reliable, accurate.
Apply forecasting techniques
Understand risk estimating & evaluation
Understand the WBS: its impact on scheduling, costing, risk analysis
Investigate the critical chain concept
Learn project evaluation techniques
Understand project control methods
Detail EVM techniques
Learn project closeout tools

Module 2: Good Estimating Other Estimating Guidelines
Padding estimates means the project starts on an inaccurate base
Estimates fail to adequately account for risk
Scope changes are not accounted for
Ethical dilemmas result from political pressure and low balling
Establish an accuracy state of mind
Use the project team

Metrics characteristics
Simple, easy to understand, interpret
and compile, reliable, and comparable
 Lend themselves to being rolled-up
 into portfolio wide statistics
 Encourage behavior that results in
 positive project and portfolio results
Metrics Problems
Measurement, compiling, analyzing
and reporting of performance
metrics are expensive
 Face-to-face management of
projects may be sacrificed
Too much emphasis on easy-to-obtain quantitative metrics.
