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Section A:
In this section you will hear 5 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. You will hear the question only once. When you have heard the question, read the four possible answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [d] and decide which is the best answer. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on your answer sheet wITh a pencil.
Now listen to the following example:
You will hear:
You will read: [A] At 6 ' 30
[B] At 7 ' 00
[C] At 7 ' 30
[D] At 8 ' 00
From the conversation, we know that the man's watch is 6 : 50 and they have around forty minutes left. The best answer, then, is [C], "At 7 : 30". Therefore, you should choose answer [C] and blacken it wITh a pencil.
Sample Answer
                                    [A] [B] — [D]
1. [A] She doesn't have any exam.
[B] She wants to study wITh him.
[C] She isn't sure.
[D] She wonders why he's studying.
2. [A] The woman's decision.
[B] The nature of the rEQuest.
[C] The reason for the transfer.
[D] The chairman's reply.
3. [A]  An operator.
[B] A nurse.
[C] A waITress.
[D] A patIEnt.
4. [A] 8 ; 00
[B] 8 : 10
[C] 8: 20
[D] 8 :30
5. [A] At a drug store.
[B] In a department store.
[C] At a clinic.
[D] At the post office.

