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水电厂生产过程简介(PPT 32页)

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水电厂生产过程简介(PPT 32页)内容简介
水电厂生产过程简介 Introduction of Hydropower production process
水力发电基本原理 Hydro-electric power theory
水电厂在电力系统中的作用 Hydropower's role in power system
水电厂的分类 Classification of hydropower plants
常规水电站分类 Classification of Conventional Hydropower
坝内式电站 Station within the dam
坝后式电站 Dam toe power station
引水式电站 Diversion-type power plant
混合式电站 Hybrid Power
水电站的组成部分 Constituent of Hydroelectric power station
水工建筑物各组成部分 Constituent of Hydraulic engineering structure
坝的作用 The role of dam
溢洪道、泄水孔的作用 The role of spillway, scuppers
闸门的作用 Strobe's function
用水建筑物的作用 Water used building's function
水力机械设备的组成及作用 Water frame equipment's composition and function
水轮机的组成部分及作用 Hydraulic turbine's constituent and function
发电设备的组成及作用 Generating set's composition and function
变电设备的组成及作用 Power transformation equipment's composition and function
配电设备的组成 the composition of the Distribution equipment
水电站辅助设备组成 Composition of Hydroelectric Power Station Auxiliary Equipment
技术供水系统 Technical Water Supply System
排水系统 Drainage
油系统 Oil System
气系统 Gas System
水力发电厂流程简介 Hydropower Plant Process Description
水电站的运行维护管理 Operation and Maintenance Management of Hydropower
运行人员的职责 Responsibilities of operating personnel
维护人员职责 Responsibilities of maintenance personnel
