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生产计划与排程(ppt 44页)

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生产计划与排程(ppt 44页)内容简介

 Introduction to Rhythm Factory Planner

一、 Agenda
二、 What Is Rhythm Factory Planner (FP) ?
三、 What Can Rhythm FP Do?
四、 Rhythm FP Architecture
五、 Rhythm FP Framework (Input & Output)
六、  Basic FP Data Objects
七、 More FP Data Objects
八、 FP Output Files
九、 FP Data Objects Relationship
十、 Rhythm FP Planning Concept
十一、 FP Planning Concept
十二、 Process Flow in FP
十三、 FP Infinite Capacity Planning (ICP)
十四、 ICP -- Build Factory Model
十五、 ICP -- Inventory Assignment
十六、 ICP -- Planned Start Time
十七、 ICP -- Capacity Utilization
十八、 FP Finite Capacity Planning
十九、 FP Detail Scheduling
二十、 How to make it successful
二十一、 Rhythm FP Features
二十二、 List of Some Features
二十三、 Using Rhythm FP
二十四、 Using FP -- Basic UI entities
二十五、 Using FP -- Problem Windows
二十六、 Using FP -- FP reports
二十七、 Using FP -- Demand orders
二十八、 Using FP -- Demand Order Plan
二十九、 Using FP -- Mfg Orders
三十、 Using FP -- Mfg Order Plan
三十一、 Using FP -- Part Buffer
三十二、 Questions & Answers
