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城市再生水利用调查研究(ppt 44页)

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城市再生水利用调查研究(ppt 44页)内容简介
引言  Introduction
研究方法  Study Methodology
再生水工程案例调研城市Case Study Cities
再生水工程案例调研项目 Case Study WRPs
北京高碑店 Beijing Gaobeidian
天津纪庄子 Tianjin Jizhuangzi
天津纪庄子  Tianjin Jizhuangzi
天津泰达新水源  Tianjin TEDA
青岛海泊河 Qingdao Haipohe
石家庄桥西 Shijiazhuang Qiaoxi
西安北石桥 Xi’an Beishiqiao
合肥王小郢 Hefei Wangxiaoying
结论与建议Findings & Recommendations
设计能力利用率低 Low Utilization of Design Capacity
再生水系统:采用集中型还是就地就近型?Centralized system or onsite/point-of-sale system ?
再生水水质问题 Reclaimed water quality Issue
再生水收费与定价机制Reclaimed water charge & pricing mechanism
再生水收费与定价机制Reclaimed water charge & pricing
通过激励性经济政策推动市场化运作Promote market operation by incentive economic policy
谁支付再生水费?Who pay reclaimed water charge?
优先考虑的再生水用途 Preferential use?residential, environment or industrial
再生水法规支持体系与综合管理机制Legal supporting system & management mechanism
再生水标准 Reclaimed water standards
编制城市再生水利用指南National guidelines for urban water reuse
再生水中的微量污染物问题 Micro-pollutants in reclaimed water
公众宣传 Public education and awareness
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