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企业培训21种演讲技巧资料(英文版)(ppt 74页)

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企业培训21种演讲技巧资料(英文版)(ppt 74页)内容简介

1、Not just conference talks
2、Product group meetings
3、BillG / TAB meetings
4、Preamble to a demo
5、Convince a product group to be interested
6、Present patent to a lawyer
7、Present a group result at offsite
8、“Elevator” talks

    John Kennedy:“You need to contribute to your country”’“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your ountry”.Quayle vs. Benson Debate:Quayle: "I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency."
Answer 1: “Jack Kennedy is better than you.” Answer 2: "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.“  
    Passion & Enthusiasm!If you’re not passionate, why should we care?Example: Martin Luther KingI have a dream.That one dayThis nation will rise upLive up to the true meaning to its creed:We hold these truths to be self-evidentThat all men are created equal.

