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一个新的方式达到战略报偿成功(pdf 16页)(英文)

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一个新的方式达到战略报偿成功(pdf 16页)(英文)内容简介
A case for change
HR leaders worldwide are under intense pressure
to align their actions and investments with business
strategies and to demonstrate a meaningful return
on these investments. This ongoing drive to reshape
HR into a valued business partner has led many HR
professionals to explore the outsourcing of various
HR functions – from payroll to employee benefits –
as a way to better manage costs, streamline administration,
free up time for more strategic activities, and
provide enhanced service to HR’s internal customers.
But for the compensation function, it has been a
different story. Although organizations increasingly
view compensation as one of the most promising
new frontiers in business process transformation,
they have been reluctant to outsource this activity.
In fact, a recent Mercer survey of more than 300
large US employers revealed that only 4 percent
of the respondents outsourced their compensation
administration – the lowest level of outsourcing
reported for 12 common HR activities (see Exhibit 1).
The figures are similar in most other geographies
around the world. For example, just 3 percent of
employers in Canada, 5 percent in Latin America,
7 percent in Asia, and 8 percent in Australia currently
outsource their compensation administration, according
to Mercer research.
Why the reluctance? First, compensation traditionally
has been seen as a corporate function – less transactional
and more strategic than functions typically
associated with outsourcing. Second, compensation
functions serve managers rather than the broader
employee population (as with benefits administration
outsourcing, for example). Companies have been
more hesitant to turn these higher-level interactions
over to an outsourcing vendor. Third, the diverse,
specialized skill set needed for compensation work
does not fit easily into the typical outsourcing model.
And finally, until recently, the technological capability
for this sort of “co-processing” with an outside vendor
was cost-prohibitive.
Compensation Management Co-sourcing
A New Way to Achieve Strategic Compensation Success
Exhibit 1
Prevalence of outsourcing at US firms
Executive compensation
Recruitment and assessment
