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某国际知名咨询公司的图表大全(PPT 56页)

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某国际知名咨询公司的图表大全(PPT 56页)内容简介
Templates – Graphs
US Business Group
Bar graph, 1 data series
Bar graph, 2 data series
Bar graph, 12 categories
Stacked bar graph
100% stacked bar graph
Column graph, 1 data series
Column graph, 2 data series
Column graph, 2 data series, 15 categories
Stacked column graph
100% stacked column graph
Waterfall chart, single step
Waterfall chart, double step
Half-size bar and column graphs
Half-size stacked column graphs
Half-size waterfall charts
One-third-size bar and column graphs
One-third-size waterfall and stacked column graphs
Tornado chart:  back-to-back bar graphs
Tornado chart: horizontal stacked chart
Basic line graph
Basic line graph with data labels
Multi-line graph with CAGR
Line graph: dual axis
Line graph: dual axis  (with pasted scale break on secondary axis)
Combination line and column graph: dual-axis
Half-size line graphs
One-third-size line graphs
Curved line chart (no data)
Bell curve chart (no data)
Area graph: data labels inside
Area graph: legend included
100% stacked area graph
Half-size area and 100% stacked area graphs
One-third-size area graphs
Pie graph: labels on outside
Pie graph: labels on inside
Half-size pie graphs
Half-size pie graphs with separated piece
Dual pie-of-pie graph
Scatter plot with trendlines
Scatter plot with four quadrants
Complex scatter chart
Bubble graph
Radar graph