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MBA原文案例库中英文(doc 11页)内容简介
How Financial Firms Decide on Technology,介绍国际大银行在决定对信息技术投资时的考虑要点和他们具体的实施过程。
How Financial Firms Decide on Technology
The financial services industry is the major investor in information technology(IT) in the U.S. economy; the typical bank spends as much as 15% of non-intereste expenses on IT. A persistent finding of research into the performance of financial institutions is that performance and efficiency vary widely across institutions. Nowhere is this variability more visible than in the outcomes of the IT investment decisions in these institutions. This paper presents the results of an empirical investigation of IT investment decision processes in the banking industry. The purpose of this investigation is to uncover what, if anything, can be learned from the IT investment practices of banks that would help in understanding the cause of this variability in performance along with pointing toward management practices that lead to better investment decisions. Using PC banking and the development of corporate Internet sites as the case studies for this investigation, the paper reports on detailed field-based surveys of investment practices in several leading institutions
How Financial Firms Decide on Technology
(Part One)
信息技术对金融服务业的影响正在增加,不仅仅表现在银行的15%无息开支上,而且对金融服务业的运做和战略也有很强的影响。     一个对金融机构的长期研究表明,不同的机构的效率和表现也不同。其决定的因素有以下一些其中的一个因素就是对投资的决定和管理。SBS是一个失败的例子,但是成功的公司也不少。本文注重解答以下的问题:   1.银行对IT投资的评估和管理过程?     2.在对IT的管理过程中,理论和实际操作的结合如何?     3.IT投资的管理和银行性能的关系如何? 
1.0 Introduction
  Information technology(IT) is increasingly critical to the operations of financial services firms. Today banks spend as much as 15% of non-interest expense on information technology. It is estimated that the industry will spend at least $21.1 billion on IT in 1998, and financial institutions collectively account for the majority of IT investment in the U.S. economy. In additon to being a large component of the cost structure, information technology has a strong influence on financial firms operatons and strategy. Few financial products and services exist that do not utilize computers at some point in the delivery process, and a firms'information systems place strong