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服务英语500句(doc 9页)

119 KB
服务英语500句(doc 9页)内容简介
1. Good morning (afternoon ,evening),sir (madam).  早上好(下午、晚上好),好,先生(夫人)
2. How do you do? (-- how do you do ?)      您好!
3. Hello (or hi )!            您好!
4. How is everything (with you )?        (您的)一切都好吗?
5. How are you getting on ( or along ) these days ?    这几天过得怎么样?
6. How are you ?  (- Fine, thank you .and you? )    您的身体好吗?
7. Glad (nice ) to see you .         见到您很高兴。
8. Welcome to our hotel.          欢迎到我们的酒店来!
9. It’s nice to meet you again ,  Mr. Johnson .     再次见到您太好了,约翰逊先生。
10. Good –bye.(or bye-bye)         再见!
11. Good night.            晚安(晚间告别用)
12. Have a good rest.           祝您休息好!
13. See you later (tomorrow).         以后(明天)见!
14. Hope to see you again soon.        希望不久再见到您!
15. Have a good time.          祝您过得愉快!
16. We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.     愿您在我们饭店过得愉快!
17. Please don’t leave anything behind.       请不要遗忘你的东西。
18. Mind (or watch) your step!         请走好!
19. We wish you a pleasant journey.       祝您旅途愉快!
20. Have a nice trip!            一路平安!
21. All the best!            万事如意。
22. Take care!            多保重!
23. Good luck!            祝您好运!
24. Thank you (very much)         谢谢您(非常感谢)。
25. Thanks a lot.            多谢。
26. Thank you for coming.          谢谢您的光临。
27. Thank you for staying in our hotel.       感谢您在我们饭店下榻。
28. I’m very grateful to you.         非常感谢您。
29. It’s very kind of you.          谢谢,您真客气。
30. You are (most) welcome.         不用谢,不用客气。
