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HRM & Industrial Relations(英文版)(ppt 35页)

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HRM & Industrial Relations(英文版)(ppt 35页)内容简介

HRM & Industrial Relations(英文版)目录:
一、Industrial Relations – defining the scope
二、Input-output model
三、Systems approach  (Dunlop 1958)
四、Social action (Bain & Clegg)
五、Control over labour process
六、Labour Market - how work is distributed within society
七、Labour Market - social acceptance & hierarchies
八、Economic environment
九、Social environment
十、Political environment


HRM & Industrial Relations(英文版)内容提要:
Labour Market - how work is distributed within society
increase in women’s activity rates
level + nature of unemployment, long vs. short-term jobs
manufacturing è service + globalisation vs. local
market regulation strategies + dual labour markets
Economic labour market model
Pay = price mechanism (SS/DD. elasticity & equilibrium)
One market (same £ for all) or differentiated by skill, job, location etc.
assumes Pricing +
Work - disutility. Wages  compensate for less leisure
Marginal productivity gain from using one extra unit of labour
“institutionalised” labour market - wage floor,  "going rate", range (quartiles), collective bargaining vs. individual negotiation.
Social environment
industrialised, capitalist society
principles of freedom of thought, expression & association
Protestant work ethic
Welfare state vs. independence & expansion of individual opportunities
class & social mobility - manual to middle & professional
home & share ownership
unemployment, “haves & have nots”. NHS vs. private medicine
