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Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction(英文版)(ppt 25页)

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Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction(英文版)(ppt 25页)内容简介

Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction(英文版)内容提要:
Basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence
Importance: 1.Laying foundation for attitudes, motivation via influencing perceptions;                  2. Individuals are not value free, standard of behavior; aligning with the organization’s policy 
Value system:A hierarchy based on a ranking of an individual’s values in terms of their intensity

Sources of Value system result of  genetic component & learning
Biological parents.A significant portion is genetically determined; Studies of twins reared apart demonstrate that 40% of the variation in work values;the majority is due to environment
In early years. A significant portion is established from parents,teachers,friends and others
societal values(culture).Learning and education
relatively stable and enduring. Absolute learning combined with genetic imprinting assuring

Roceach values  survey(RVS)
Terminal: Desirable end-states of existence; the goals to pursue during one’s lifetime         comfortable(exciting)life,sense of accomplishment,world of peace(beauty),equality,family(nation) security,freedom, happiness,inner harmony,mature love,pleasure,salvation, self-respect,social recognition,true friendship,wisdom.
Instrumental:preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving one’s terminal values ambitious,broad-minded,capable,cheerful,clean, honest, courageous,forgiving,helpful, imaginative,independent, intellectual,logical,loving,obedient,polite,responsible,self-control.
