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Organizational Change Processes in China(英文版)(ppt 69页)

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Organizational Change Processes in China(英文版)(ppt 69页)内容简介

Organizational Change Processes in China(英文版)内容提要:
Current trends in China
Political shift towards more Market orientation
Boosting production and economy
Opening up to international market
Entrance to WTO
From inward to outward orientation
New identity in global politics

Small versus Large Scale
Type of business
Size of organization
Urgency of problems (need)
History of organization
Maturity of people
Attitude of Top Management 

Phases of a Change Program
Step 0: determine internal and external pressure/demands for change
Step 1: Make up diagnosis
Step 3: Determine vision and strategy
Step 4: Action Planning: design and develop the Change Program
Step 5: Structure the Change Process
Step 6: Determine Change dynamics
Step 7: Determine Change Strategies and Methods
Step 8: Implement
Step 9: Evaluate and Adjust/Correct.
