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HRM and Remuneration Systems(英文版)(ppt 49页)

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HRM and Remuneration Systems(英文版)(ppt 49页)内容简介

HRM and Remuneration Systems(英文版)内容提要:
Issues in pay policy, package & administration
Integrate Ee.  performance with competitive advantage?
Smooth, reliable, low risk, transactions. Handing over the cash: personal or separated?
Traditional methods prevail.  Where are the innovations?
Pay policy - closet management?
HRM policy-maker, practitioner & academic interests?
Rewards central to HRM models?
Theory & practice. Partial? Coherent? robust?
Thin, incomplete picture and treatment?

Context and Pressures
Porter - product innovation + cost leadership
low labour costs vs. recruitment,  retention & motivation
"Rate for the job" – job class & work technology
Location in low wage economies
commitment & flexibility
Convergence: white/blue, office/factory – competencies
Team-working,  flexibility, harmonisation
Regional market forces  (the City, Leeds, Delhi).
Labour mobility (between occupations + Europe)
Salary leagues  (MNCs & Euro/global manager)

Eilon's Rules of Thumb
Incentives - not confined to monetary - see non-monetary.
Attainments è rewards: levels & rewards should be clear.
The actual effort/responsibility link?
Individual goals/attainment & dept/orgn. Goals
Individual attainment vs. what others must achieve?
Rewards for helping others - support staff.
Re-structuring: jeopardise reward possibilities?
Products & working practices change? Future pay prospects should not undermine what Ee has already achieved.
Benefit in penalising undesirable results or behaviour?
Periodic Reviews - scheme objectives must remain valid.
