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Competitive Dynamics(英文版)(ppt 41页)

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Competitive Dynamics(英文版)(ppt 41页)内容简介

Competitive Dynamics(英文版)内容提要:
Factors Leading to More Complex Rivalry
Declining emphasis on single, domestic markets and increasing emphasis on global markets
Advances in communication technology make coordination easier across multiple markets
Advances in technology and innovation have increased competitiveness of small and medium sized firms
National barriers are falling due to the number and scope of trade agreements (GATT/WTO, NAFTA, EEC/EU)

Model of Interfirm Rivalry:Likelihood of Attack and Response
Multipoint competition tends to reduce competitive interactions, but increases the likelihood of response where interaction occurs
For example, airlines price flights similarly but respond quickly when competitors introduce promotional prices

First Mover:
Firms that take an initial competitive action
Generally possess the resources and capabilities that enable them to be pioneers in new products, new markets or new technologies
Can earn above average profits until competitors respond
Gain customer loyalty, helping to create a barrier to entry by competitors

