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What have we learned last time(英文版)(ppt 73页)

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What have we learned last time(英文版)(ppt 73页)内容简介

What have we learned last time(英文版)内容提要:
Sustained Competitive Advantage:
Occurs when a firm develops a strategy that competitors are not simultaneously implementing
Provides benefits which current and potential competitors are unable to duplicate

Identifying  Resource  Weaknesses and  Competitive eficiencies
A weakness is something a firm lacks, does poorly, or a condition placing it at a disadvantage
Resource weaknesses relate to
Deficiencies in know-how or expertise or competencies
Lack of important physical, organizational, or intangible assets
Missing capabilities in key areas

Identifying  External  Threats:
Emergence of cheaper/better technologies
Introduction of better products by rivals
Intensifying competitive pressures
Onerous(烦琐/负法律责任的) regulations
A rise in interest rates
Potential of a hostile takeover
Unfavorable demographic shifts
Adverse shifts in foreign exchange rates
Political upheaval(动荡,剧变) in a country
